表示的是Canal独立部署。不同的应用通过canal client与canal server进行通信,所有的canal client的请求统一由CanalServerWithNetty接受,之后CanalServerWithNetty会将客户端请求派给CanalServerWithEmbeded 进行真正的处理。CannalServerWithEmbeded内部维护了多个canal instance,每个canal instance伪装成不同的mysql实例的slave,而CanalServerWithEmbeded会根据客户端请求携带的destination参数确定要由哪一个canal instance为其提供服务。
而内嵌的方式只有CanalServerWithEmbedded一个类, 是因为CanalServerWithEmbedded又要根据destination选择某个具体的CanalInstance来处理客户端请求,而CanalInstance的实现位于instance模块,我们将在之后分析。因此从canal server的角度来说,CanalServerWithEmbedded才是server模块真正的核心。
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| public CanalController(final Properties properties){ .... ip = getProperty(properties, CanalConstants.CANAL_IP); port = Integer.valueOf(getProperty(properties, CanalConstants.CANAL_PORT)); embededCanalServer = CanalServerWithEmbedded.instance(); embededCanalServer.setCanalInstanceGenerator(instanceGenerator); canalServer = CanalServerWithNetty.instance(); canalServer.setIp(ip); canalServer.setPort(port); .... }
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| public interface CanalServer extends CanalLifeCycle { void start() throws CanalServerException; void stop() throws CanalServerException; }
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| public class CanalServerWithNetty extends AbstractCanalLifeCycle implements CanalServer { private CanalServerWithEmbedded embeddedServer; private String ip; private int port; private Channel serverChannel = null; private ServerBootstrap bootstrap = null; private CanalServerWithNetty(){ this.embeddedServer = CanalServerWithEmbedded.instance(); } }
- embeddedServer:因为CanalServerWithNetty需要将请求委派给CanalServerWithEmbeded处理,因此其维护了embeddedServer对象。
- ip、port:这是netty监听的网络ip和端口,client通过这个ip和端口与server通信
- serverChannel、bootstrap:这是netty的API。其中ServerBootstrap用于启动服务端,通过调用其bind方法,返回一个类型为Channel的serverChannel对象,代表服务端通道。
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| public void start() { super.start(); if (!embeddedServer.isStart()) { embeddedServer.start(); }
this.bootstrap = new ServerBootstrap(new NioServerSocketChannelFactory(Executors.newCachedThreadPool(), Executors.newCachedThreadPool()));
bootstrap.setPipelineFactory(new ChannelPipelineFactory() { public ChannelPipeline getPipeline() throws Exception { ChannelPipeline pipelines = Channels.pipeline(); pipelines.addLast(FixedHeaderFrameDecoder.class.getName(), new FixedHeaderFrameDecoder()); pipelines.addLast(HandshakeInitializationHandler.class.getName(), new HandshakeInitializationHandler()); pipelines.addLast(ClientAuthenticationHandler.class.getName(), new ClientAuthenticationHandler(embeddedServer)); SessionHandler sessionHandler = new SessionHandler(embeddedServer); pipelines.addLast(SessionHandler.class.getName(), sessionHandler); return pipelines; } }); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(ip)) { this.serverChannel = bootstrap.bind(new InetSocketAddress(this.ip, this.port)); } else { this.serverChannel = bootstrap.bind(new InetSocketAddress(this.port)); } }
这里我们主要分析SessionHandler的 messageReceived方法,这个方法表示接受到了一个客户端请求,我们主要看的是SessionHandler如何对客户端请求进行解析,然后委派给CanalServerWithEmbedded处理的。为了体现其转发请求处理的核心逻辑,以下代码省去了大量源码片段,如下
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| public class SessionHandler extends SimpleChannelHandler { ....
public void messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MessageEvent e) throws Exception { .... switch (packet.getType()) { case SUBSCRIPTION: ... embeddedServer.subscribe(clientIdentity); ... break; case UNSUBSCRIPTION: ... embeddedServer.unsubscribe(clientIdentity); ... break; case GET: .... if (get.getTimeout() == -1) { message = embeddedServer.getWithoutAck(clientIdentity, get.getFetchSize()); } else { ... message = embeddedServer.getWithoutAck(clientIdentity, get.getFetchSize(), get.getTimeout(), unit); } ... break; case CLIENTACK: ... embeddedServer.ack(clientIdentity, ack.getBatchId()); ... break; case CLIENTROLLBACK: ... if (rollback.getBatchId() == 0L) { embeddedServer.rollback(clientIdentity); } else { embeddedServer.rollback(clientIdentity, rollback.getBatchId()); } ... break; default: NettyUtils.error(400, MessageFormatter.format("packet type={} is NOT supported!", packet.getType()) .getMessage(), ctx.getChannel(), null); break; } ... } ... }
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| public class CanalServerWithEmbedded extends AbstractCanalLifeCycle implements CanalServer, CanalService { ... private Map<String, CanalInstance> canalInstances; ... }
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| public interface CanalService { void subscribe(ClientIdentity clientIdentity) throws CanalServerException; void unsubscribe(ClientIdentity clientIdentity) throws CanalServerException; Message get(ClientIdentity clientIdentity, int batchSize) throws CanalServerException; Message get(ClientIdentity clientIdentity, int batchSize, Long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws CanalServerException; Message getWithoutAck(ClientIdentity clientIdentity, int batchSize) throws CanalServerException; Message getWithoutAck(ClientIdentity clientIdentity, int batchSize, Long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws CanalServerException; void ack(ClientIdentity clientIdentity, long batchId) throws CanalServerException; void rollback(ClientIdentity clientIdentity) throws CanalServerException; void rollback(ClientIdentity clientIdentity, Long batchId) throws CanalServerException; }
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| public class ClientIdentity implements Serializable { private String destination; private short clientId; private String filter; ... }
- 根据客户端要订阅的destination,找到对应的CanalInstance
- 通过这个CanalInstance的CanalMetaManager组件记录下有客户端订阅。
- 获取客户端当前订阅位置(Position)。首先尝试从CanalMetaManager中获取,CanalMetaManager 中记录了某个client当前订阅binlog的位置信息。如果是第一次订阅,肯定无法获取到这个位置,则尝试从CanalEventStore中获取第一个binlog的位置。从CanalEventStore中获取binlog位置信息的逻辑是:CanalInstance一旦启动,就会立刻去拉取binlog,存储到CanalEventStore中,在第一次订阅的情况下,CanalEventStore中的第一条binlog的位置,就是当前客户端当前消费的开始位置。
- 通知CanalInstance订阅关系变化
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@Override public void subscribe(ClientIdentity clientIdentity) throws CanalServerException { checkStart(clientIdentity.getDestination()); CanalInstance canalInstance = canalInstances.get(clientIdentity.getDestination()); if (!canalInstance.getMetaManager().isStart()) { canalInstance.getMetaManager().start(); } canalInstance.getMetaManager().subscribe(clientIdentity); Position position = canalInstance.getMetaManager().getCursor(clientIdentity); if (position == null) { position = canalInstance.getEventStore().getFirstPosition(); if (position != null) { canalInstance.getMetaManager().updateCursor(clientIdentity, position); }"subscribe successfully, {} with first position:{} ", clientIdentity, position); } else {"subscribe successfully, use last cursor position:{} ", clientIdentity, position); } canalInstance.subscribeChange(clientIdentity); }
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@Override public void unsubscribe(ClientIdentity clientIdentity) throws CanalServerException { CanalInstance canalInstance = canalInstances.get(clientIdentity.getDestination()); canalInstance.getMetaManager().unsubscribe(clientIdentity);"unsubscribe successfully, {}", clientIdentity); }
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public List<ClientIdentity> listAllSubscribe(String destination) throws CanalServerException { CanalInstance canalInstance = canalInstances.get(destination); return canalInstance.getMetaManager().listAllSubscribeInfo(destination); }
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public List<Long> listBatchIds(ClientIdentity clientIdentity) throws CanalServerException { checkStart(clientIdentity.getDestination()); checkSubscribe(clientIdentity); CanalInstance canalInstance = canalInstances.get(clientIdentity.getDestination()); Map<Long, PositionRange> batchs = canalInstance.getMetaManager().listAllBatchs(clientIdentity); List<Long> result = new ArrayList<Long>(batchs.keySet()); Collections.sort(result); return result; }
getWithoutAck方法用于客户端获取binlog消息 ,一个获取一批(batch)的binlog,canal会为这批binlog生成一个唯一的batchId。客户端如果消费成功,则调用ack方法对这个批次进行确认。如果失败的话,可以调用rollback方法进行回滚。客户端可以连续多次调用getWithoutAck方法来获取binlog,在ack的时候,需要按照获取到binlog的先后顺序进行ack。如果后面获取的binlog被ack了,那么之前没有ack的binlog消息也会自动被ack。
- 根据destination找到要从哪一个CanalInstance中获取binlog消息。
- 确定从哪一个位置(Position)开始继续消费binlog。通常情况下,这个信息是存储在CanalMetaManager中。特别的,在第一次获取的时候,CanalMetaManager 中还没有存储任何binlog位置信息。此时CanalEventStore中存储的第一条binlog位置,则应该client开始消费的位置。
- 根据Position从CanalEventStore中获取binlog。为了尽量提高效率,一般一次获取一批binlog,而不是获取一条。这个批次的大小(batchSize)由客户端指定。同时客户端可以指定超时时间,在超时时间内,如果获取到了batchSize的binlog,会立即返回。 如果超时了还没有获取到batchSize指定的binlog个数,也会立即返回。特别的,如果没有设置超时时间,如果没有获取到binlog也立即返回。
- 在CanalMetaManager中记录这个批次的binlog消息。CanalMetaManager会为获取到的这个批次的binlog生成一个唯一的batchId,batchId是递增的。如果binlog信息为空,则直接把batchId设置为-1。
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| @Override public Message getWithoutAck(ClientIdentity clientIdentity, int batchSize) throws CanalServerException { return getWithoutAck(clientIdentity, batchSize, null, null); }
@Override public Message getWithoutAck(ClientIdentity clientIdentity, int batchSize, Long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws CanalServerException { checkStart(clientIdentity.getDestination()); checkSubscribe(clientIdentity); CanalInstance canalInstance = canalInstances.get(clientIdentity.getDestination()); synchronized (canalInstance) { PositionRange<LogPosition> positionRanges = canalInstance.getMetaManager().getLastestBatch(clientIdentity); Events<Event> events = null; if (positionRanges != null) { events = getEvents(canalInstance.getEventStore(), positionRanges.getStart(), batchSize, timeout, unit); } else { Position start = canalInstance.getMetaManager().getCursor(clientIdentity); if (start == null) { start = canalInstance.getEventStore().getFirstPosition(); } events = getEvents(canalInstance.getEventStore(), start, batchSize, timeout, unit); } if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(events.getEvents())) { logger.debug("getWithoutAck successfully, clientId:{} batchSize:{} but result is null", new Object[] { clientIdentity.getClientId(), batchSize }); return new Message(-1, new ArrayList<Entry>()); } else { Long batchId = canalInstance.getMetaManager().addBatch(clientIdentity, events.getPositionRange()); List<Entry> entrys = Lists.transform(events.getEvents(), new Function<Event, Entry>() { public Entry apply(Event input) { return input.getEntry(); } });"getWithoutAck successfully, clientId:{} batchSize:{} real size is {} and result is [batchId:{} , position:{}]", clientIdentity.getClientId(), batchSize, entrys.size(), batchId, events.getPositionRange()); return new Message(batchId, entrys); } } }
private Events<Event> getEvents(CanalEventStore eventStore, Position start, int batchSize, Long timeout, TimeUnit unit) { if (timeout == null) { return eventStore.tryGet(start, batchSize); } else { try { if (timeout <= 0) { return eventStore.get(start, batchSize); } else { return eventStore.get(start, batchSize, timeout, unit); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new CanalServerException(e); } } }
ack方法时客户端用户确认某个批次的binlog消费成功。进行 batch id 的确认。确认之后,小于等于此 batchId 的 Message 都会被确认。注意:进行反馈时必须按照batchId的顺序进行ack(需有客户端保证)
- 从CanalMetaManager中,移除这个批次的信息。在getWithoutAck方法中,将批次的信息记录到了CanalMetaManager中,ack时移除。
- 记录已经成功消费到的binlog位置,以便下一次获取的时候可以从这个位置开始,这是通过CanalMetaManager记录的。
- 从CanalEventStore中,将这个批次的binlog内容移除。因为已经消费成功,继续保存这些已经消费过的binlog没有任何意义,只会白白占用内存。
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| @Override public void ack(ClientIdentity clientIdentity, long batchId) throws CanalServerException { checkStart(clientIdentity.getDestination()); checkSubscribe(clientIdentity); CanalInstance canalInstance = canalInstances.get(clientIdentity.getDestination()); PositionRange<LogPosition> positionRanges = null; positionRanges = canalInstance.getMetaManager().removeBatch(clientIdentity, batchId); if (positionRanges == null) { throw new CanalServerException(String.format("ack error , clientId:%s batchId:%d is not exist , please check", clientIdentity.getClientId(), batchId)); } if (positionRanges.getAck() != null) { canalInstance.getMetaManager().updateCursor(clientIdentity, positionRanges.getAck());"ack successfully, clientId:{} batchId:{} position:{}", clientIdentity.getClientId(), batchId, positionRanges); } canalInstance.getEventStore().ack(positionRanges.getEnd()); }
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@Override public void rollback(ClientIdentity clientIdentity) throws CanalServerException { checkStart(clientIdentity.getDestination()); CanalInstance canalInstance = canalInstances.get(clientIdentity.getDestination()); boolean hasSubscribe = canalInstance.getMetaManager().hasSubscribe(clientIdentity); if (!hasSubscribe) { return; } synchronized (canalInstance) { canalInstance.getMetaManager().clearAllBatchs(clientIdentity); canalInstance.getEventStore().rollback();"rollback successfully, clientId:{}", new Object[] { clientIdentity.getClientId() }); } }
@Override public void rollback(ClientIdentity clientIdentity, Long batchId) throws CanalServerException { checkStart(clientIdentity.getDestination()); CanalInstance canalInstance = canalInstances.get(clientIdentity.getDestination()); boolean hasSubscribe = canalInstance.getMetaManager().hasSubscribe(clientIdentity); if (!hasSubscribe) { return; } synchronized (canalInstance) { PositionRange<LogPosition> positionRanges = canalInstance.getMetaManager().removeBatch(clientIdentity, batchId); if (positionRanges == null) { throw new CanalServerException(String.format("rollback error, clientId:%s batchId:%d is not exist , please check", clientIdentity.getClientId(), batchId)); } canalInstance.getEventStore().rollback();"rollback successfully, clientId:{} batchId:{} position:{}", clientIdentity.getClientId(), batchId, positionRanges); } }
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| @Override public Message get(ClientIdentity clientIdentity, int batchSize) throws CanalServerException { return get(clientIdentity, batchSize, null, null); }
@Override public Message get(ClientIdentity clientIdentity, int batchSize, Long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws CanalServerException { checkStart(clientIdentity.getDestination()); checkSubscribe(clientIdentity); CanalInstance canalInstance = canalInstances.get(clientIdentity.getDestination()); synchronized (canalInstance) { PositionRange<LogPosition> positionRanges = canalInstance.getMetaManager().getLastestBatch(clientIdentity); if (positionRanges != null) { throw new CanalServerException(String.format("clientId:%s has last batch:[%s] isn't ack , maybe loss data", clientIdentity.getClientId(), positionRanges)); } Events<Event> events = null; Position start = canalInstance.getMetaManager().getCursor(clientIdentity); events = getEvents(canalInstance.getEventStore(), start, batchSize, timeout, unit); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(events.getEvents())) { logger.debug("get successfully, clientId:{} batchSize:{} but result is null", new Object[] { clientIdentity.getClientId(), batchSize }); return new Message(-1, new ArrayList<Entry>()); } else { Long batchId = canalInstance.getMetaManager().addBatch(clientIdentity, events.getPositionRange()); List<Entry> entrys = Lists.transform(events.getEvents(), new Function<Event, Entry>() { public Entry apply(Event input) { return input.getEntry(); } });"get successfully, clientId:{} batchSize:{} real size is {} and result is [batchId:{} , position:{}]", clientIdentity.getClientId(), batchSize, entrys.size(), batchId, events.getPositionRange()); ack(clientIdentity, batchId); return new Message(batchId, entrys); } } }